This is the deck plan for E deck. The red area is Scotland Road which runs nearly the length of the whole ship.
My thanks to Vintage Factory Ect for posting this awesome youtube video showing the current state of Scotland Road. Cannot see any remains down there, but I am still looking.
This is the staircase that Ida climbs to reach Scotland Road. The wall that breaks is just outside of the photo on the right side. The photos show what it looked like on Titanic and what it now looks like.
This is a photo showing the corridor if you were standing at the busted wall. The pipes from the ceiling are now lying on the floor.
This is a merged photo of the corridor mixing the pre-sink version and the current state of the corridor in one photo.
This is a view of the length of Scotland Road from the busted wall. Taken by James Cameron’s sub. Somewhere in that mess are Ida’s personal items and any remains.
A pre-sink computer image looking down the hallway from the wall by the staircase. Courtesy of Titanic Honor and Glory.
This is the current state of the same view as the image on the left.
This is a computer image of the ladder to boiler room 6. From Titanic Honor and Glory.
This is the same ladder in its current state of decay.
Here is a merged image of the new and current views of boiler room 6.