Past Life Regression #6: Hall Of Mirrors
Parthenon in Nashville, TN.
September 10th, 2022
Getting a spare weekend alone, I placed another appointment for a past life regression. After our typical greeting and small talk, we got to put me under. We try a new method of holding my hand above my face and having me stare at it until my eyes droop and close. It took nothing for me to climb out of the body and enter the world between worlds.
Jennifer explained that I would see my higher self and they would guide me to finding the answers to my questions, they would also look after me. I was instructed to find a place to rest. A place where I could center myself before moving onward. It wasn’t unusual for me to imagine the beach, it’s quite normal when thinking of Ida’s life. I watched the waves come and go, digging my feet into the wet, warm sand.
I was then asked to look for a temple before me, turning from the ocean I found a temple appearing to my left. It became a replica of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece. Unlike the original one, this one was whole and hale like the one in Nashville, Tennessee. I wandered inside of it and wrapped my arms around one of the pillars, taking in the smooth stone beneath my fingers. The outside had been warm and sunny, with a slight breeze from the ocean. The inside, however, was tinted a light blue and comfortably cool. A slight hint of jasmine incense was burning in a far-off corner. My higher self appeared where the statue of Athena should have stood. She did not move though I felt her eyes upon me.
Behind the statue was a glowing orb of light, instinctively, I moved towards it. The light was a hallway or corridor of magic. The walls were covered with mirrors like a funhouse at a carnival. Each mirror reflected a different life for me. I found Ida easily and studied her mirror image. To see her as my reflection was eerie. I was told to imagine a clock turning backward. 2022, 2002, 1982, 1962, and so on until it reached 1912. As Jennifer is counting down the decades, Ida’s image becomes mine and I watch myself de-age. My twenties, my teen years, my childhood body, my toddler self, and then nothing but a black mass was reflected back to me.
I love the expression “Hit the ground running”. Whenever I end up in regressions, as soon as I pop through into the old body, I “hit the ground running.” Ida is roaming the corridors of third class. As usual, she is fascinated by every crack and gleam. I’m allowed a few moments to orient myself in the new body..or it is my old body?
I am asked about 12:30 am on the morning of April 15th, 1912. Captain Smith gave the order that the gates on Titanic were to be unlocked and the third class should be escorted to the boat deck by the third class stewards. I know from my research that there are 60 of them. According to the inquiries after the sinking, it was reported that only five obeyed that order. I remove myself from Ida’s body and wander the ship in freeform or spirit form if you will. Physical bodies are heavy and they slow you down.
The Stewards show themselves easily but instead of going down to the lower decks, the bulk of them run up. I remember there are third-class passengers sleeping from G deck to D deck. There are third-class areas from the G deck to the C deck. From the tip of the bow to the stern, third class is housed everywhere on this ship. Without a PA system, it is impossible to rally them all. So many of the run upwards to cover the higher decks. Only 5 of them run below the F deck. They saved their own skins by refusing to go below. The third class was the largest class with over 700 people. It was understood that they didn’t have enough lifeboats for all 2200 people. One-third would have to die. But how do you choose? A millionaire on A deck is easy to save. A poor immigrant on G deck is impossible to save. Benjamin Guggenheim had a wife in New York who could sue the pants off of the White Star Line for his death. Ida’s mother received $50 for her daughter’s death. It’s easy to save those close to the boats rather than those far away and lost. It’s cheap to pay third-class families and not risk being sued by the wealthy. Ida’s entire family could barely afford food, a court case was out of the question. For convenience and for greed, they chose to sacrifice the third class.
I wonder about Ida’s path to the E deck. There were at least two gates that I could identify. One on the G deck with the mail room and one on the F deck by the stairs. Ida’s path to her cabin from F deck is a maze. The path back up is a labyrinth of corridors and bad turns. There are stairs not listed on the deck plans of the ship, stairs she takes to reach E deck from F deck below. There was no gate on those stairs to unlock. I have my answer.
Jennifer asks me when the deck plans were changed and why. I roam the ship trying to compare the endless decks with the deck plans that I own a copy of. The inconsistencies are varied by the deck. some decks look the same. Others have massive differences but Ida has no insider knowledge of the plans being changed.
The last question I had was why was Henry who was an engineer helping guide people up? this was a steward’s job and he was no steward. John Hart, a steward did go below with four others to help. Why was Henry needed?
The answer to that I think was his state of dress. He was dressed in plain clothing at the time of the sinking, I don’t think he was working when he died. According to the deck plans, his cabin was on F deck where he died by the gate Ida was meant to return to. I think Henry was likely asleep as well during the collision and dressed in the confusion. Being a crew member, he would have known about the gates and policies. He may have had a key though I never checked the gate to see if it was locked or not. He was leading people on his own to the deck. Maybe it was his choice to do so and not return to the engine room. Maybe he wanted to help in his own way. I do not know. During the process of the sinking, I did watch Henry drown in his confusion as the boat tipped down and flooded. Water from the broken wall on E deck, the very same that drowned Ida, poured down the staircase onto his deck and ended his life as well. He could not hear me as he died but I remained with him until it was over and my spirit was forcibly sent back.