Ida Straus
Rosalie Ida Straus
Born Rosalie Ida Blum, Ida Straus is one of the most famous Titanic passengers, mainly for her courage in refusing to leave her husband to die alone. She is the true Juliet of the Titanic love story. She was 63 years old when she died and was a first-class passenger. My Ida could not have been beyond her 30ties by the looks of her hands and was most definitely a third-class passenger. Sadly, Ida Straus didn’t match.
Ida Minahan
Ida Daisy Minahan
Like Ida Straus, Ida Minahan was a first-class passenger. Not only that but she survived the Titanic. She didn’t match either despite my fascination with her eyes which do have a similar shape to my Ida.
Ida spent several years in a sanatorium following a breakdown after Titanic. She later moved to Los Angeles, California, and died of tuberculosis at age 40.
Ida Hippach is the middle lady. She is photographed with her daughter Gertrude.
Ida Sophia hippach
Also a first-class passenger, Ida Hippach did survive the sinking of the Titanic and was dismissed as a possibility as well.
She went on to live a well-traveled life and died in Illinois in 1940 from a stroke.